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Jiangsu cable industry high-quality development conference was successfully held

      On August 24, Jiangsu Province cable industry high-quality development conference was held in Suzhou, Yangzhou Hongqi Cable Manufacturing Co., Ltd. honorary chairman Chen Youxin representatives attended the meeting.

   The conference released the comprehensive evaluation of high-quality innovation and development of Jiangsu wire and cable industry, the report of high-quality Innovation and Development of Jiangsu Cable Industry, and the Top 30 list of high-quality innovation and development enterprises in Jiangsu cable Industry in 2024, which helps to show the industrial image, publicize the innovation results, expand the influence of enterprises, and also provides a reference for enterprises to analyze the advantages and disadvantages and improve the development strategy. The conference passed the Self-discipline Convention of Jiangsu Wire and Cable Industry Association, which clarified that it is an important guideline for industry self-discipline, regulating production and business behavior, and realizing conscious and orderly development, clarifying the professional ethics that should be observed, and adhering to the quality and safety, market order, intellectual property bottom line and other contents, and the association is responsible for tracking the implementation. The meeting also commended the excellent suppliers and advanced individuals of Jiangsu cable industry in 2023. At the meeting, Qian Zhi, former director of Jiangsu Provincial Development and Reform Commission and professor of Nanjing University, gave a keynote speech on the new work "Artificial Intelligence +", Ma Jianqiang, general manager of Jiangsu Hengtong Digital Intelligent Technology Co., LTD., shared the "cable industry digital transformation results", and Jiangsu cable industry head enterprises shared their views around related topics.

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